Monday, March 18, 2013


Well... I am having trouble containing my excitement for next year. So, in order to get a jump start, I have been READING everything I can get my hands on. Daily 5, CAFE, Van de Walle, and common core documents. Oh- and Harry Wong's "First Days of School" which I am in LOVE with.

This week is also a PD week for me. I get to spend a whole day studying reading with all the first grade teachers in my district. Then on Friday, I'll be spending a half day studying math. I am ready to get my nerd on!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Oh, what good news.

With the good news that I will be teaching first grade next year...I decided I would get a jump start on my classroom blog. So, keep watching for lots of updates as I move into my exciting new job!!! Can't wait to meet my firsties!